Saheela Mohammed
Curriculum Vitae
About Me
A bioengineer working in medical devices
My Work
I work in making medical device equipment to help people around the world.
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I work for a large company that makes lots of different medical devices around the world. My site helps to make devices for people manage a condition called diabetes by showing what their glucose levels are like in their body. I’m on a technical graduate scheme so that means I’m able to explore different departments every 6 months or so. I’ve been able to see how the product is made, what the process needs to be, how it can be changed, what’s needed to get the different materials and equipment needed to make the devices. I’m on my final role now so I have a wonderful team that I manage and look after on a day to day basis.
My Typical Day: I get into work at 8am, and check in with the night shift team supervisor for any updates from their shift that I need to pass onto my shift. I then check my team in the lab are okay and help them to get everything they need to get their day running smoothly. Then I’ll go for a catch up with other team supervisors and my manager any urgent tasks that are needed to be done for the day. I usually have an interview or two do so that’s a nice way to help. With lunch I then catch up on some project work throughout the day including some presentations before finishing up and handing over to the next team supervisor coming in.
My Interview