
Siobhán Mullan
Curriculum Vitae
Loreto College, Coleraine – Queen’s University Belfast (BEng Hons) – Ulster University (MSc)
GCSE – A, 5B, 3C A-Level – 2B 1D Degree – BEng Hons Manufacturing Engineering, MICE – Chartered Civil Engineer, CEng – MSc – Master of Science
Current Job:
Mullan Consulting Engineers Ltd.
About Me
Civil Engineering - working in the area of Infrastructure Drainage design. I am a Consultant Civil Engineer and I am run my own small Civil Engineering Consultancy.
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I live in the countryside in the North Coast of Ireland near a town called Coleraine. I live with my family and our 2 dogs. I enjoy enjoy spending time on the beach walking with my dogs. I am a children’s book author and also a meditation guide with Insight Timer.
My Work
My work as a Civil Engineer involves looking after ways to collect water and transport it safely away to be treated.
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I work as a Designer so am usually based in an Office. I use specialist software on computers to design drainage networks for foul and storm water. Foul Water is the water that leaves a building after it has been used – for example – to wash dishes, have a shower or flush a toilet. Storm Water – is water that falls from the sky in storms and needs to be collected to ensure it does not cause inconvenience such as flooding. I design the drainage for buildings to ensure that the buildings can collect foul and storm water and that the water can be collected and treated (cleaned) before returning to the natural Water Cycle. This work ensures that the natural environment is protected from pollution.
My Typical Day: I go to the office at 9am and I will work on design for a building drainage infrastructure. I will work with other Professionals such as Architects, Structural Engineers and Public Health Engineers. The design for the drainage requires details of the building foundations and rooms to be considered, ensuring pipe work can be provided to the necessary room, for example a bathroom will require a connection to the foul drainage, a Rainwater pipe a connection to the storm drainage. I work on the design for various types of buildings - such as houses, schools, hotels, office blocks, universities and shopping centres. I use Mathematics daily in the design work - to ensure pipes are the correct size. Incorrect pipe sizes would cause problems such as flooding or unpleasant smells. I work in the office mostly, but when a building is being built, I will visit the site for meetings to observe that the works are being carried out correctly. My working day is usually finished at 5pm.
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9am – Check emails and respond to any urgent queries
10am – 1pm – Working on Design for projects – Infrastructure drainage design – using Hydraulic Software and CAD.
1pm – 2pm – Lunch
2pm – 5pm – Work on Design – issue design work in Drawings and Reports – respond to any email queries received.
Site visits and Design Team Meetings can also occur – requiring a Site Visit and discussions with the larger project team.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Innovative, Practical, Organized
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Developing Sustainable Solutions that have provided Environmental Protection
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Interest in both Design and Science
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
Mechanical Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Lady Gaga
What's your favourite food?
Vegetarian Lasagne
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Zip Line
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Good Health - Good Fitness - Resilence
Tell us a joke.
Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.