I wouldn’t say I invent things necessarily, but what I do is to connect things that have already been invented or discovered and combine them in a new way to make something someone hasn’t done before, or improve something that already exists
I think that’s what a lot of day to day engineering is all about – “creating connections”
Steve makes good point again here and we sometimes call this “Innovation” rather than invention. As Steve says that sometimes means taking something that already exists and using it in a new and unique way that no one has ever thought of before.
Engineers are great innovators, one that stands out for me was writing a computer program to analyse lots of engine data in a way we’d never done before. For me that was really exciting as I was the first person to ever do that!
Same as Stacey – need to learn a bit more to start inventing 🙂
However an engineer’s job is not only about inventing. it’s more about creating new things by applying already known knowledge and also imporving already existing products by defining its weaknesses – I think that would summarise what I do on daily basis. 🙂