
Gosha Barzowska
So sad to go! Such a shame I didn't have time to join today's chats
Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
It’s a long list….I worked as a Coffee Barista at Costa, a Cleaner, a Call Centre Agent at Microsoft and Census, a Kitchen Porter at McDonalds and a Recruitment Administrator at number of international companies including Airbus until I realised what I want to do.
Current Job:
Undergraduate Apprentice – Aerospace Engineering
Airbus UK Ltd
My Work
I’m an engineering apprentice who works as an aeroplane design engineer at Airbus.
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I am an Undergraduate Apprentice who works 3 days a week at Airbus and study 2 day at University of West of England towards Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering – Design. I am currently in the middle of the 2nd year of the apprenticeship. My main objective at work is to learn as much as possible about the industry. I do a work placements in different teams to have a bigger picture of what Airbus actually does!
At the moment I work in a team called – Fatigue and Damage Tolerance – Bottom Covers – A321Neo. It probably does not explain to you what I exactly do… Don’t worry! I had no idea what that means before I joined the team! I am sure you know what the wing of an aeroplane is…? Starting from the beginning – Fatigue means damage from constant use; And Damage Tolerance describes a what is acceptable if the damage like a small crack occurs – whether an aircraft can still fly or it need to be immediately repaired. Bottom Covers is simply the bottom section of the wing and A321Neo is the name of the Airbus aircraft – see the picture below.
My Typical Day: @work: meetings, work and more meetings:) @Uni: lectures, tutorials but there is always a time to socialise
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My day @ work:
I usually start off my day with checking my emails and the calendar for the day to ensure that I won’t be late or miss any important meetings.
Part of my apprenticeship is to complete nine work placements in different teams around the business to have a broader understanding what Airbus actually does and how. During those placements I am usually asked to complete a task or two.
Very recently I have started a new placement and my task was to investigate the damage likelihood on the wing of one of the Airbus aircraft during it’s ‘life in service’ (which means during the time it will be flying for an airline – usually about 20 year!). As you know we want to make sure that the aircraft is safe to fly so no damages/cracks are acceptable. Before I could start the investigation I had to look into what exactly my manager is asking me to do. In order to do that, I had to speak to a few people to investigate the problem further. I think this is the best part of the job because it gives and opportunity to meet new people. Once I understood the objectives I had to identify the critical location where the damage is more likely to occur and using a special software calculate the probability of occurrence. Working for Airbus is really rewarding because it makes me feel that I am doing something important! 🙂 It is definitely important to be sure when a cracks can be formed because even a smaller crack can cause some serious problems – see below. So in another words – I am responsible for preventing these kind of occurrences to happen.
What I'd do with the money
I would most definately use it on a workshop for school kids to learn more about aerospace. I am as strong enthusiast of learning by practice.
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I actually didn’t know there is a prize! How nice!
I would definitely spend it on some kind of workshop for school kids so they can learn more about engineering and aerospace by experiencing it! I believe that the best way to learn is by practice.
Let me know if you have any fun ideas. If I win, I might be coming to your school! 🙂
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Innovative, Ambitious and Fun
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
3D Printing where I was able to experiance the process and the machines in action building aircraft parts from aluminium or titanium. I can tell you – it great fun!
What did you want to be after you left school?
No idea..I didn’t have any ideas what I really want to be…It took me some time to find a passion for aerospace and engineering.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Oh yeah…especially towards the end…almost failed my A-levels:(
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I don’t think I would be good in anything else…:) but my second passion is travelling so I would probably try to link my career with that.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I am quite happy with the radio ;)
What's your favourite food?
Pizza – Hawaian is my favourite
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I tend to travel without prior bookings – this way I make my trips more adventurous.
Tell us a joke.
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.