0 Question: How many times have you been fired? Keywords: career, fired Asked by mangoes to Huw, Gosha, Ray, Stacey, Steve on 12 Mar 2015.
Steve Cox answered on 12 Mar 2015:
None…….I always try to do a good job, no matter what I do. That way no-one will ever fire you.
Huw Williams answered on 12 Mar 2015:
None, I agree with Steve, if you’re diligent and hard working you’ll never have a problem.
Gosha Barzowska answered on 15 Mar 2015:
None as well! Work hard and be honest and it won’t happen to you either. It’s not a shame to admit to own mistakes but a shame to hide it and ‘wait’ for someone else to expose it 🙂
Stacey Cutten answered on 16 Mar 2015:
Never haha! I always try my best and don’t like letting people down so I’ve never been fired!
Sorry for taking ages to reply 😛
Ray Butchart answered on 16 Mar 2015:
Never. Look at your role and if you are smart enough you can sometimes see the writing on the wall. Always be dilligent and honest with your work.