• Question: This may sound rude, but I'm not the best at getting things across. If you did not answer every question on the bio we where given, why do you deserve the money more than the ones that did?

    Asked by Marko Polo to Ray on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Ray Butchart

      Ray Butchart answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Not rude, and we are not all at best at getting things across. As this was my first attempt at this activity, I was a bit slow on the uptake. One should have had a better briefing about the best way to answer and how fast one had to react. Still, it is behind us now and hopefully the next session should be better. I do not think I deserve the money more than the others, I think everyone does. We are all in this to assist and help. If I can help and someone improves or even takes one more step than they would have I will be happy. 🙂
