Zach Welshman
My Work: Using medical images and computer programming to describe biomechanics of the foot and ankle.
Status: Good Luck to all the engineer's in this St.Patricks Day Final! Check out my latest work Photo's of a computational foot model :)
Latest Question:
do you enjoy working long hours even at night timeLatest Comment:
If apple made a car, would it have windows? (1 comments) -
Todd Burton
My Work: In a nutshell: Kidney tissue engineering
Latest Question:
Why do you want to winLatest Comment:
what is the most interesting bacteria you have found. (1 comments) -
Sophie Cox
My Work: I’m trying to repair the human body by understanding diseases better and designing/making/manufacturing new implants
Latest Question:
what is the most complicated thing you have worked with?Latest Comment:
The first engineer evicted is… (1 comments) -
Daniel Morse
My Work: I look at how bacteria and fungi from the mouth interact, and grow living 3D models of the roof of your mouth in the lab to infect and see what...
Status: In the final!!! #VoteDaniel
Latest Question:
do you enjoy working long hours even at night timeLatest Comment:
Why do you want to win (1 comments) -
Ana Gallego
My Work: I design components for artificial legs
Latest Question:
do you enjoy working long hours even at night timeLatest Comment:
Do you like Starbucks? (1 comments) -
Alejandra Aranceta
My Work: I research new ways that your body could connect to a machine in order to improve driving prosthetic hands