My wife and I bought our first in 2008, and when we decided to start a family we wanted something bigger, but because it was the most expensive time to buy a house (2010), we couldn’t sell it, so now we rent it out and have bought another one.
I’d love a bigger house (everybody would of course!), and I’d quite like a 4 bedroom detached house, with a nice big garden, but I don’t want to live in the countryside – its too quiet for me there! One day when I earn super money (as if!) I’ll get my dream house!!
I would love to build my own house one day, it’s a dream of mine. I have no idea yet what this would include but i’ll be searching for inspiration when it come closer to reality!
My perfect house would be with a big garden, so that my future dog(s) can be happy playing there without having to use leashes or having to cross streets to walk them somewhere!
Nothing but 4K screens, games consoles and surround sound systems.. Then a nice big water feature in a large garden, but no flowering plants because they kick my hay fever off 🙂