• Question: have you ever considered changing jobs

    Asked by tree to Alex, Chris, Mohamed, Rik, Victoria on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Rik Allen

      Rik Allen answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      I don’t change jobs very often – I’ve worked in 3 places in my life (apart from holiday jobs as a student, and even some of those were at places I went to work as an adult.). All the jobs have been kinda of similar – some more based on research where I could go off and think about things without having too much pressure to get something finished, and some with very tight deadlines. I actually enjoyed the tight deadlines more because it meant i was making something that people were actually going to use.

      I guess perhaps you mean changing to a completely different job – like a fireman or whatever rather than and engineer. I have I suppose considered being a photographer, but I think that might rapidly become boring even if it seems exciting now – and because everyone now has access to quite good cameras I on their phones etc. I think the competition to make money as a photographer would be tough. I never managed to work out how I could have as much fun or make as much money doing anything else – even if some days it seemed attractive.


    • Photo: Alex Shenfield

      Alex Shenfield answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      I’ve never considered completely changing career – I enjoy what I do far too much! – but I have moved around a bit between different universities. I think the days of a job for life are long gone – and I enjoy the challenge of starting again in a new environment!

    • Photo: Victoria Sharpe

      Victoria Sharpe answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      I have had a varied career and have worked in four different companies and unexpectedly they re all in different industries but u have continued to progress – just shows how transferable engineering skills are – it’s all about applying the right principles to each problem.
