• Question: What characteristics does your company look for when hiring young engineers

    Asked by tree to Alex, Chris, Mohamed, Rik, Victoria on 6 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Rik Allen

      Rik Allen answered on 6 Mar 2015:

      Good question. I don’t think there is a single answer to this because the best teams have a mixture of people – sales, engineering, management, testing – all need different skills. Sometimes it’s being able to problem solve, sometimes communication, sometimes the stubborn ability not to give up on a problem. Often it’s a mixture.

      I’m at the technical end of the company, and when I’m interviewing I like to see how well people can think about things they haven’t studied too much – I may ask problems that don’t seem much like engineering but then start a conversation about how to solve it and try and learn how the person thinks and communicates.

      Hope that helps.

    • Photo: Victoria Sharpe

      Victoria Sharpe answered on 8 Mar 2015:

      We always look for enthusiasm and an interest in what we do. We also look to see if they can pick up the engineering principles behind what we are trying to achieve – for example what happens to the structure of a vessel when it goes from the dry dock into the water?
