• Question: what is your favrote inventino

    Asked by T-BAG to Alex, Chris, Mohamed, Rik, Victoria on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Rik Allen

      Rik Allen answered on 9 Mar 2015:


      I guess if you go on the amount of time I spend using it – the mobile phone.
      Growing up watching “Star Trek” (I was around the time of the first series….), the communicator was real science fiction – how could you possibly have something that lets you talk to anyone, anywhere. Now, the same thing exists, and can tell you exactly where you are, you can talk to it, and it can access just about all the information in the world in seconds. _And_ you get videos of cats.

      And the best bit for me – I helped in my own small way to make it happen.


    • Photo: Alex Shenfield

      Alex Shenfield answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      There are so many inventions to choose from – from electricity to the motor vehicle – but for me the thing I think I’d find it hardest to live without is the Internet. Growing up in the 1980s I wasn’t even really aware of the Internet – and now it’s something I can’t imagine not being there. For a start – this conversation wouldn’t be happening! 🙂

      The Internet enables me to Skype with my parents so they can see their grandkids regularly, download films, watch live tv, stream music, and many many more things that I now can’t imagine not being able to do.

    • Photo: Victoria Sharpe

      Victoria Sharpe answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      Currently my favourite invention is my I-pad mini. It keeps me in touch and fits in my bag
