My Work: I analyse the medical images of various organs of the body to identify and characterize diseases or pathologies
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Latest Question:Why do engineers get left out of the frame sometimes? Its a great job that people don’t respect as much.
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My Work: At Cairn Research I develop and design high precision instrumentation, primarily for biological research.
Latest Question:how will you afford to make everyone robots
My Work: I design medical equipments that help make people better.
Latest Question:would you come to my school to teach us your profession
Latest Comment:How much would you like the money? (1 comments)
My Work: I’m trying to 3D print microchips that can analyse cells (as well as other tiny things like bacteria)
Status: Wow I can't believe it's over! I had a really great time meeting all of you :D
Latest Question:do you preffer to be an individual or work as a team?
Latest Comment:have you done anything that is more challenging to everyone else? (1 comments)
My Work: My work is in the field of neurotechnology, designing wearable robotics to help us see how brain diseases affect the way people walk and balance
Latest Question:Do you have any interesting questions about quantum physics and vquestions
Latest Comment:What machine compartments did you use to figure out how to 3D print using food? Also what program did you use to form (1 comments)
My Work: I squash cells and use new types of imaging using lasers to see how squishy they are to find out more about cancer
Status: If I've missed any questions in the chats, please ask me in the Ask section!
Latest Question:why do you want to be an engineer