• Question: can you make a giant bunny and a kitty or a computer using a 3D printer

    Asked by RiaandMarthalovesCANDY to Sarah on 9 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sarah Hampson

      Sarah Hampson answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Well in the last few years people have already printed entire houses, so I’m sure you could print a giant bunny!

      Yep, you can print kitties 🙂
      There are actually companies who you can send photos of your pet to, & they’ll 3D print a copy of them for you

      A 3D printed computer…….. hmmmmmm……..depends on if you wanted it to just LOOK like a computer (in which case that’s easy) or actually… compute. I know someone printed a computer that could do very simple maths () It looks strange, but early computers actually looked like that!
