• Question: do you have any hobbies

    Asked by LittleKhan to Dawn, James, Sarah, Sylvain, Tomas, Vaanu on 11 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sylvain Jamais

      Sylvain Jamais answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      Msot of my free time is spent with my family, a bit with friends. I like swimming, sailing, skiing, video games, movies, good food and wine…

    • Photo: Dawn Gillies

      Dawn Gillies answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      I love to travel when I can, and I also like hillwalking, reading, and baking.

    • Photo: Vaanathi Sundaresan

      Vaanathi Sundaresan answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      I like painting, reading books and embroidery

    • Photo: Sarah Hampson

      Sarah Hampson answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      My favourite thing to do is watch films (especially sci-fi films!), but I also love drawing and painting, cycling on my bike and manga/anime.

      I did a pottery course with loads of my work colleagues recently. I made a garden gnome and lots of pots
