• Question: do you like fixing stuff?

    Asked by 367dagg45 to Dawn, James, Sarah, Sylvain, Tomas, Vaanu on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sylvain Jamais

      Sylvain Jamais answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      Finding the solution to a problem is very rewarding. At home I like to put my hands to things but I am in fairness not that great with my hands so in many case I have to hire some help in…

    • Photo: Dawn Gillies

      Dawn Gillies answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      I do – I like solving problems, but I hate having to fix broken equipment in the lab!

    • Photo: Vaanathi Sundaresan

      Vaanathi Sundaresan answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      Yes. Not so brilliant at it though. But I do try!!

    • Photo: James Clarke

      James Clarke answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Luckily yes, because I tend to be quite good at breaking stuff too.

    • Photo: Sarah Hampson

      Sarah Hampson answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Yes! It feels very satisfying when something breaks and you fix it. Like “HAHA BROKEN DOOR, I HAVE BEATEN YOU!”

      My microchips often get fluid leaks, which I have to fix.
