Diagnostics is usually the best way of stopping a disease from spreading, I do a lot of work in the field of diagnostics, so I would probably help build instruments helping detect the disease, but that would require finding a way to detect it first, it would really need to be a team effort.
Rapid diagnosis and quarantining people is the best way to save lives in a epedemic situation. You could see some quarantining in the Ebola crisis a few years ago. Making sure people who are infected don’t go back into their communities and spread the disease to others is really important.
By creating awareness among people about proper vaccines, developing tools for diagnosis of diseases at early stage (that is what I have been working on) and working with microbiologists to create a cure for it ASAP!
Like the others have said, diagnostics is really important to keep track of who has the disease. And quarantining infected people is also needed
I’d also try to find out the route of transmission for the disease (how it’s spread). This might be by coughing & sneezing, or others ways. Then I could tell the public how to prevent spreading it.