0 Question: Whats ur biggest fear? Keywords: fear Asked by DarkAngel to Dawn, James, Sarah, Sylvain, Tomas, Vaanu on 14 Nov 2016.
Sarah Hampson answered on 14 Nov 2016:
My fear is really embarrassing! I’m really scared of clear ocean water where it’s really deep. I can’t even look at photos of tropical islands where the water around them is really dark green and blue- argh I’m freaked out just imagining it!
Dawn Gillies answered on 14 Nov 2016:
Mushrooms! I’m terrified of them, totally irrational I know but I can’t even have them in my house!
Sylvain Jamais answered on 14 Nov 2016:
I really don’t like snakes but my biggest fear really would be that my daughters don’t get to live a fulfilling happy life
Vaanathi Sundaresan answered on 15 Nov 2016:
I am acrophobic (not very severe, but definitely no skydiving for me!)
Tomas Parrado answered on 16 Nov 2016:
James Clarke answered on 16 Nov 2016:
Sharks. I hate that feeling of being in the sea and not knowing what’s underneath you.
Also the dark.