0 Question: you might not be able to help me with this but i mwould like to go into zooology could you recoment a website or something to me Keywords: website, zooology Asked by It Was Me The Whole Time to Sylvain on 8 Nov 2016.
Sylvain Jamais answered on 8 Nov 2016:
Hi. It is not my field of course, but I would recommend finding a career show that features zoology or an open day at a place that teaches zoology and get your parent to take you to it and talk to people.
This website could be a start https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/job-profiles/zoologist, I just googled “study zoology”, no merit.
I expect you would have to be good at biology, chemistry and maths. Take a look at http://university.which.co.uk/subjects/zoology.
Good luck
Dawn commented on 9 Nov 2016:
It might be worthwhile to call your nearest zoo to see if someone there can talk to you about how they got into it 🙂
Dawn commented on :
It might be worthwhile to call your nearest zoo to see if someone there can talk to you about how they got into it 🙂