Paul James is the winner of the Energy Zone, after receiving the most votes from students! He wins £500 to spend on more STEM engagement activities. Here’s what he had to say about his victory:

I was astonished and very pleased with the quality and quantity of questions that were raised in all of the sessions and a big shout out goes to the excellent work from the administrators, funders, and the masterminds behind this event. I am sure the students will all agree, you are all awesome. A final thanks to all of the other fabulous Engineers who took part in the events and gave great responses to the students and to my employer, bp who has given me the opportunity to take part in it. I am looking forward to receiving the special prize mug, certificate and the £500 prize money spend on future STEM outreach projects. But of course the biggest gift will be remembering the fun we had over the last couple of weeks 😊
I haven’t decided where to spend the prize money, but as some of the students will remember, I do like Formula one, and there is a great opportunity for schools to take part in something called “Green Power racing” that I will be looking into.
As a final sales pitch for Engineering;
Remember, being an Engineer will give you an opportunity to change the world we live in, how we live, how we travel, how we stay healthy, how we entertain ourselves, how we communicate, the list is truly endless.
If you are considering being an engineer, in future if someone asks you how does this work or why does it do that, instead of saying “I don’t know”, why not say “I don’t know… yet”
Many, many thanks again
Hope you all have a great festive break
Humbly yours
Paul James