Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions with the keyword 'design'
What are you currently designing?
by 421enec47 to Lee
Comments: (So far, one comment )
what cool futury machine do you want to be the first to make?
by 365enec43 to Hilly
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
What features are most efficient in a nuclear power station?
by DarkDestroyer13 to Yasmin, Tadhg, Liz, Lee, Hilly
Comments: (No comments so far )
In your opinion what are the three most important factors when building/designing a project?
by Ravneet :) to Hilly, Lee, Liz, Tadhg, Yasmin
Comments: (No comments so far )
what type of power staitions do u design
by Flynnton29 and 1 other. to Hilly
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