• Question: Do you think that you have a good chance of winning the money? Do you have any competition, if you do who?

    Asked by samira.xx to Oliver, Lesley, Leah, Hannah, Graeme, Aleks on 7 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Graeme Burt

      Graeme Burt answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I think all the engineers are quite good, not sure if I will win but I’m not really doing this to win or lose. I just want to inspire people to do engineering.

    • Photo: Hannah Griffin

      Hannah Griffin answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I have no idea! It would be cool to win as then I could share the joy of engineering with even more students but for now I’m just enjoying the ride. You’re all asking such great questions and I’m really enjoying the chats.

      BTW If I was to do a video behind-the-scenes working as a software engineer, what would you really want to see or find out about?

    • Photo: Lesley Colquhoun

      Lesley Colquhoun answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      All of the other engineers are amazing! we have a real varied bunch here and i can’t compete with any of them!

      I think we all have a good chance of winning, if we could split it, that would be ideal!

    • Photo: Leah Morgan

      Leah Morgan answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I think so! Although now I’m worried I’ve jinxed myself haha… everyone is competition. All the engineers involved are so talented! I won’t be mad if I don’t win 🙂
