Question: Hey there guys, I am looking to be an engineer in the future however, I am not entirely sure what sector would best suit me. What do you all personally think is the best area of engineering to work in?
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Asked by Julien Mary to Oliver, Lesley, Leah, Hannah, Graeme, Aleks on 6 Mar 2019.Question: Hey there guys, I am looking to be an engineer in the future however, I am not entirely sure what sector would best suit me. What do you all personally think is the best area of engineering to work in?
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Julien Mary commented on :
Well I have managed to get a work placement in July at a company that goes by the name of BAM. It’s all to do with engineering which was why I chose to apply for it really. In fact they offered to give me an experience that involved every type of engineering that they offer which was cool. Anyways, thanks for your responses guys. I enjoyed the live chat this morning. Cya
Lesley commented on :
Ah amazing! that sounds perfect! you’ll be able to see lots of different types and decide what you like best.
Good Luck! you’ll ace it!
Graeme commented on :
Thats great news. If you still don’t know after that many Universities do general engineering where you can do them all for one year then specialise in the 2nd year