• Question: How focused do you have to be to not make mistakes?

    Asked by 232eneq38 to Oliver, Lesley, Leah, Hannah, Graeme, Aleks on 7 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Graeme Burt

      Graeme Burt answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I’m not very focussed. I work in a team with people who are better at that. I make a lot of mistakes. I’m much better at new ideas and concepts than the details. There are all different types of engineers.

    • Photo: Hannah Griffin

      Hannah Griffin answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      It depends on what you’re doing and how many times you’ve done it before. The more experienced I get doing something then the more naturally it comes to me to do well without mistakes.

      The beauty of most software engineering is that usually “nothing is irreversible”. I put this in quotes as someone said it at a conference once and it stuck with me but I can’t remember their name but I can’t claim the wisdom as my own!

      Also things like pair programming, testing, code reviews etc help us software engineers pick up as many bugs etc as possible before we release the software to the world.

    • Photo: Lesley Colquhoun

      Lesley Colquhoun answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      you can be super focussed and still make a mistake!

      mistakes are natural and we all learn from them. Normally we work in teams to check each other and find each others mistakes before it gets too far. The big ones are normally caught early on and fixed during design phases.

      The odd mistake may get through the different stages, but will be sifted out and fixed before the final delivery. (even then there are still some mistakes inside)

      Most important thing is to just address the mistake as soon as you know about it. If you hide the mistake, it will get worse.

    • Photo: Leah Morgan

      Leah Morgan answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Ahaha probably more focussed than me! People make mistakes all the time, what’s important is that you are able to learn from them. If you keep making the same mistake over and over again then it’s clear you’re not learning from it. Mistakes are really the most useful thing you can do – because then you can ask “what can I do better next time?”
