• Question: What language would you ever wish that you can speak fluently ?

    Asked by mubarak to Oliver, Lesley, Leah, Hannah, Graeme, Aleks on 5 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Aleks Sokol

      Aleks Sokol answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      Spanish because my girlfriend is spanish and I can’t understand her family!

    • Photo: Hannah Griffin

      Hannah Griffin answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      French. For 3 reasons
      – 1. I work with scientists and engineers from around the world and we often visit each other to share ideas. I love visiting the ILL in Grenoble near the French Alps. The ILL is a nuclear reactor and the people there do similar research to the things scientists I work with do at ISIS Neutron and Muon source.
      – 2. One of my friends has just moved to Switzerland so French would be useful when visiting her.
      – 3. I’d like to visit some places in Africa and I think knowing French would help me in areas there and in a fair few other parts of the world where English isn’t spoken. (And then Spanish maybe for visiting South America…)
      Thank goodness for Duolingo!

    • Photo: Graeme Burt

      Graeme Burt answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      French or German. They have some excellent engineering comapnaies and labs and it would be useful to speak their language. At CERN the techicians all speak French although the engineers speak english, so the engineers that speak french have an advantage. Without technicians its hard to be a good engineer.

    • Photo: Leah Morgan

      Leah Morgan answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      German! I loved Germany when I visited for work experience and I’d love to go and work there for a little bit <3

    • Photo: Lesley Colquhoun

      Lesley Colquhoun answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      Dutch or Norweigan!

      I work with alot of people from both the Netherlands and Norway and i love the countries too.

      I have started to learn dutch, but only with an app!
