I only found out about ‘engineering’ as a subject about 1 year before I went to university – but fundamentally, I always really enjoyed that subject – of designing, fixing and improving things.
So one answer would be – when I was 17 and found out from my guidance teacher that it was a degree that I could do.
Another answer would be – always, because it is just what I enjoyed naturally.
Another answer might be that i still don’t really know, but I enjoy what I’m doing just now, and that’s engineering!
I think it is a bit of all of those 🙂
Would you like to be an engineer? Or perhaps you would still like to find out more about what’s involved?
Since I met my previous research supervisor who inspired me as an engineer, I had a dream of being an engineer. However, it was only when I received the admission letter from Engineering Department of University of Cambridge, that I came to know my dream is going to come true!