Our role in the ExoMars mission
We are a group of Managers, Administrators & Engineers working at the European Space Agency who are response for the Management & coordination of Contractors who design, build and test of the ExoMars Spacecraft, which include the Carrier Module, the Descent Module, the Landing Platform and the Rover. Some of us are following the Rover Acceptance and Final Testing currently ongoing in Toulouse!
What the team is working on now
Currently the Team is following the Integration and Final Testing of the ExoMars Spacecraft (in Cannes) and Rover (in Toulouse)
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Our Team Members
Choose one to see their full profile
Stephen Durrant
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
My work on the Rover involves monitoring and shadowing the companies who are making the different Structural and Mechanism Parts for the Rover.
Status: Rover has finished it’s Environmental Testing. Camera Alignment Measurements Just starting – Am in Toulouse following the Activity
Andrew Ball
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
I make sure the science instruments fit onto the Rover and will work properly when we get to Mars.
Yuri Yushtein
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
Looking after the Software Development to control the Rover and Scientific experiments on Mars.
Leila Lorenzoni
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
Joe Pereira
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
Coralie Alary
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
What the team is working on now
The Completed Rover has been in Toulouse since September and has been through it’s mechanical Testing (acoustic noise to simulate the Launch environment when on top of the Rocket), it’s Thermal Test (the Rover is placed in a Thermal chamber (where we simulate both the vacuum transfer to Mars and the Mars surface environment and temperatures) and then finally an Electro Magnetic Compatibility Test (where we test the electronic interference of the different equipment as well as any interference with the communications). Currently the final Camera Alignments and functional testing is to be done throughout January.
Similarly, in Cannes, the other Spacecraft Elements, the Descent Module and Lander Platform are being assembled and tested by our Russian and Italian Colleagues. The Carrier Module is also there waiting to be mated to the completed Descent Module.
In February, the Rover will be transported to Cannes for further Integration and testing with the Spacecraft.
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