Our role in the ExoMars mission
We are a group of scientists who helped select the landing site and are now studying it.
What the team is working on now
Characterising the Oxia Planum landing site using new orbital imagery, planning a Royal Society 2020 exhibit for ExoMars, working on Mars Science Laboratory operations and science. We are also working on the Raman and Pancam instruments as part of the ExoMars team. Looking at new martian meteorites. We are also developing new technology for Mars Sample Return. Theses samples have to be kept in very controlled, clean environment, so there are lots of engineering and science challenges.
What we’d do with the money
Build an accurate model of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover will help students see how the different instruments will be operated on Mars.
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Our Team Members
Choose one to see their full profile
John Bridges
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
Iām on PanCam, Raman instrument teams and did a lot of work in the selection of the landing site ā Oxia Planum
Adam Parkes Bowen
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
I look at the landing site for the Rosalind Franklin rover using several different cameras on board spacecraft around Mars
Peter Fawdon
My Work on the ExoMars Mission:
I am part of the team that studies the landing site, Oxia Planum. Specifically i work on making the maps that will guide the rover once it has landed.
What the team is working on now
Characterising the Oxia Planum landing site using new orbital imagery, planning a Royal Society 2020 exhibit for ExoMars, working on Mars Science Laboratory operations and science.
We are also working on the Raman and Pancam instruments as part of the ExoMars team.
Looking at new martian meteorites.
We are also developing new technology for Mars Sample Return. Theses samples have to be kept in very controlled, clean environment, so there are lots of engineering and science challenges.
What we’d do with the money
Build an accurate model of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover will help students see how the different instruments will be operated on Mars.