Engineering Team
Our role in the ExoMars mission:
We are a group of engineers from Airbus and other companies who are response for the design, build and test of the ExoMars Rover. Most of us have…
Status: The Rover has just finished EMC testing in Toulouse!
ESA Project Systems Team
Our role in the ExoMars mission:
We are a group of Managers, Administrators & Engineers working at the European Space Agency who are response for the Management…
Status: Rover has finished it’s Environmental Testing. Camera Alignment Measurements just starting.
PanCam Team
Our role in the ExoMars mission:
We are a group of engineers and scientists who have designed and built PanCam (Panoramic Camera), the main scientific camera on the…
Status: We are making sure the PanCam is talking properly to the rover and to us.
Planetary Science Team
Our role in the ExoMars mission:
We are a group of scientists who helped select the landing site and are now studying it.
Status: Characterising the Oxia Planum landing site using new orbital imagery.