Tonia Tzemanaki
My Work: I teach robotics to university students and I design wearable robotic devices for healthcare.
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What’s the most advanced machine/ robotics you’ve ever made/ worked on?Latest Comment:
The third engineer evicted is… (1 comments) -
Sam Gaughan
My Work: I use computer models to learn about the tiny chemical factories called enzymes
Latest Question:
How would you like to use drones in the future?Latest Comment:
The first engineer evicted is… (1 comments) -
Ejay Nsugbe
My Work: Researcher in Prosthetic Control
Latest Question:
how do you make sure the production of bio mechanic limbs is sustainable?Latest Comment:
The second engineer evicted is… (1 comments) -
Edgars Kelmers
My Work: I tested surgical instruments, and now I help surgeons to make better knee implants
Latest Question:
How did you get so curious in the first place?Latest Comment:
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Charnett Chau
My Work: I am a biochemical engineer that tries to make sure drug manufacturing and the use of plastic is environmentally friendly.
Status: Did a marathon hike over the weekend, came 819th in the race!
Latest Question:
How would you like to use drones in the future?Latest Comment:
The winner is... (1 comments) -
Emily McNee
My Work: I design and develop X-Ray therapy systems for skin cancer treatment
Latest Question:
How would you like to use drones in the future?Latest Comment:
what a levels did you take (1 comments)