
Ejay Nsugbe
Curriculum Vitae
Bachelors in Electrical/Electronics(Specialised in Control Systems) at Sussex Uni, Masters in Control Systems at Sheffield Uni(largest faculty for Control Eng in Europe), PhD in Process Measurement & Control(funded by P&G) at Cranfield Uni
BEng(Hons),MSc,PhD,CEng(Chartered Engineer),MIET(Member Of The Institute Of Engineering and Technology),MIMA(Member Of the Institute Of Mathematics and Its Applications)
Work History:
Technical Manager at Speir Hunter Ltd, Senior Scientist at Centre For Process Innovation
Current Job:
Post-Doc in Upper-Limb Prosthetic Control
The University Of Bristol
About Me
I'm a Chartered Control Engineer-who is also a fitness and Martial Arts enthusiast
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I’m a Chartered Control Engineer, I live and work in Bristol. I practice & compete in a number of martial arts and also enjoy a bit of nature.
I have a keen eye on interdisciplinary type research with the sole purpose of bringing imagination to life with the aid of cutting edge technologies-for enhanced human living conditions.
I’m also of the strong opinion that Ninja Storm is the best Power Rangers season ever made! 🙂
My Work
Researcher in Prosthetic Control
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I work as a Researcher at Bristol University on an interdisciplinary project themed towards Upper-limb Prosthetic Control for Trans-radial amputees.The project is also supported by a Clinician who specialises in Muscoskeletal interventions and the Bristol Clinical Imaging facilities.
My focus here is to use non-invasive wearable sensors to acquire physiological signals from the residual muscle of an amputated individual and apply signal processing techniques to convert this into a control signal for an artificial limb.
My Typical Day: Experimentation,Reading & Writing
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The day typically begins with a cuppa tea and some stimulating reading and even a quick game of online chess to warm my brain up and get my neurons firing ahead of the day. Shortly after this i’d be in the lab-working on an experiment/data collection(either on a benchtop scale/clinical setting). If I haven’t got any meetings scheduled, the day typically ends with a summary session where I pen down noteworthy bits and bobs.
What I'd do with the money
A collaborative live demo to show how wearable sensors can tell us what happens inside our body
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A collaborative outreach event with my colleagues from the Institute Of Engineering and Technology(IET), to showcase the process of how wearable sensors can monitor physiological and vital signs of our bodies. The purpose here is to showcase the impact of cross-disciplinary work of how the principles of Engineering/Physics+Maths can be used to monitor and explain human biological/Medical phenomena without the need for an invasive approach.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Leading a start-up company towards international recognition
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Combination of historical polymaths,selected school teachers and mentors
What was your favourite subject at school?
Primarily Physics,Maths & Further Mathematics.
What did you want to be after you left school?
An Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
More than most people!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
A Physicist or an Applied Mathematician(worth saying that I spend a big chunk of my spare time deepening my knowledge of various concepts in these fields)
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Caught between Seafood Rice and Jollof Rice
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Had a featured match-up(&won) on a boxing show which 600 people attended and was aimed towards raising money for cancer research
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
People more pleasant to each other, ability to slow time down, eradicate poverty