• Question: Did you do any work in remote countries if so what projects did you work on

    Asked by 🍭Yasmin🍭 to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett on 7 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Edgars Kelmers

      Edgars Kelmers answered on 7 Jun 2019:

      I have not worked in remote countries.

      I worked in Latvia as Medical Physicist in a hospital, made orthosis in laboratory, and grew silicon crystals.

      In Belgium I designed a machine that moves foot while a patient is having a CT-scan.

      Now I will be working with Swiss company to create “smart implants”.

    • Photo: Emily McNee

      Emily McNee answered on 8 Jun 2019:

      I’m afraid not

    • Photo: Tonia Tzemanaki

      Tonia Tzemanaki answered on 8 Jun 2019:

      Not really. I have been collaborating (and occasionally travelling to) with people from Greece, Italy and France, which are all in Europe. The project was about making a surgical robotic system that the surgeon can use to improve the way she/he is performing the surgery. This can also be very good for patients having the surgery as they get to go home and return to their normal life sooner with less pain.

    • Photo: Charnett Chau

      Charnett Chau answered on 9 Jun 2019:

      I worked in Tanzania on a water sanitation project where I help built latrines, built portable water taps for villagers and taught them how to use them too! It was fun!

      Otherwise I worked in Ireland… but that’s not a very exotic place although equally fun.

    • Photo: Ejay Nsugbe

      Ejay Nsugbe answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      Kinda-back in 2014 during my time at Speir Hunter we had a strip of pipeline to inspect in the Oil fields of Oman. This pipelines were located in the outskirts of the city and in the deserts of Oman, casting my mind back I think the full inspection of the pipeline took approx. 2 weeks-and during this time we had to live in a camp where all the field workers stayed in.
      I remember how super paranoid I was everytime we went out into the deserts-not due to the fear of dehydration or something similar-but due to the outside chance of bumping into a snake or even a scorpion(eeeeekk!) Thankfully none of that happened and the project turned out to be successful in the end and I never got to face-off against a desert snake/scorpion.(so I guess everyone was a winner in the end 😉 )

    • Photo: Sam Gaughan

      Sam Gaughan answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I haven’t, and it wouldn’t make much sense for me to, everything I do is on a server that can be logged into from anywhere, so I don’t need to go to a country to work with people there.
