• Question: How did you get good grades in high school and how did you work to get at the point you are now and amazing scientist

    Asked by _mieka_ to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett on 7 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Edgars Kelmers

      Edgars Kelmers answered on 7 Jun 2019:

      I did not study too much. I just did all my homeworks and prepared in advance for the classroom exams. I was doing sports 5 times a week, and singing in a quire 3-4 times a week. I would spend only 1-2 hours to do my homeworks in the evening.

      Only in the very last year I studied every day to prepare for the final exams, but I was still doing sports and singing.

    • Photo: Emily McNee

      Emily McNee answered on 8 Jun 2019:

      There is no sugar coating this. It took hard work and not taking failure as a reason to stop. It also took asking for help when things went wrong or things became too much.

    • Photo: Tonia Tzemanaki

      Tonia Tzemanaki answered on 8 Jun 2019:

      In high school (and before) I was a very good student, always hard working, studying everyday and on Sundays. In University years later.. I was more relaxed during the semester and panicking to cover everything closer to the exams – I do not recommend this!
      I think the most important thing that you need to have is patience and persistence. We are not geniouses, we are working hard and we are motivated by what we do.

    • Photo: Ejay Nsugbe

      Ejay Nsugbe answered on 8 Jun 2019: last edited 8 Jun 2019 4:33 pm

      I think I can attribute most of my grades(not that they were exceptional every-time) to the work etiquette which was drilled in me by the likes of my mum, grandparents and aunts. It’ll be difficult to begin to list exactly what my routine was at the time-but the approach to school work was to always stay on top of things. You can see it as a proactive system of learning and studying where you get things done in good time before demands & deadlines begin to creep on you.

      I think for me, what’s helped me get as far as I am now is my love and passion for Engineering as a whole. Although i’m technically employed, I don’t really view what I do as just work, instead I see it as doing what I thoroughly enjoy and impacting the world in a positive way in the process. Now due to this view of things, I constantly feel driven to turn up and work hard-and even during my ‘spare time’ i’m reading STEM related books and learning about how the pioneers of the discipline managed to innovate and design solution to help deal with world problems.
      So I suppose this paragraph is a long winded way of saying; if you’re passionate about something and you work hard-you’re likely to excel at it. 🙂

    • Photo: Charnett Chau

      Charnett Chau answered on 9 Jun 2019:

      If I’m honest, I’ve been very tactical with my studying. I realised I learn best by practising, so practising exams questions with my text book open was the best for me. To get good grades you need to find a revision method that best suits you, give yourself breaks to recharge but work hard when you are revising.

      When you get to university, it is still about diligence, if you are interested in your subject that you’ll naturally read around it so be sure to choose subject you enjoy then it makes working on it to get good grade a lot simpler.

    • Photo: Sam Gaughan

      Sam Gaughan answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I worked hard, but I also made sure not to burn myself out by taking regular breaks and trying to stay healthy. If you are working on something you find interesting and enjoyable, it doesn’t feel like “work” anymore, so that encourages you to do more with your time.
