• Question: How would you like to travel in space and why? How would it work and how would you construct it?

    Asked by join127sun to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett on 14 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Sam Gaughan

      Sam Gaughan answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      This is well out of my area of expertise, but it is something I am interested in as a casual observer. The ideal form would be the Alcubierre warp drive, which is a hypothetical machine that, amongst other things, requires the use of negative mass to move the space around you instead of moving the ship, allowing you to effectively travel faster than light (without actually moving!)


      The problem here is that the existence of negative mass is questionable, and whether we could get enough of it and keep it stable for long enough is even more questionable, however there is a bit of research with some promise going on.

      Device creates negative mass particles — and a novel way to generate lasers

      I think what is more likely is that we will use cryostasis when it is viable, and a low power method of travel like a solar sail to travel long distances over a long period of time – that is if we even bother to send humans out, it might be more sensible to let AI do this kind of exploration for us.


    • Photo: Charnett Chau

      Charnett Chau answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      Honestly, not my expertise but how Dr Who travels is pretty amazing. Can I just steal from him/her?

    • Photo: Ejay Nsugbe

      Ejay Nsugbe answered on 16 Jun 2019:

      Build my very own millennium Falcon! 🙂

    • Photo: Emily McNee

      Emily McNee answered on 16 Jun 2019:

      Jetpack and second skin like in guardians of the galaxy 2. Zooming though the cozmos like a rocketman. As for the how, not sure but i’m sure it’s possible

    • Photo: Tonia Tzemanaki

      Tonia Tzemanaki answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      no idea how I would construct anything like that! a spaceship that can ‘jump’ through wormholes would be great..

    • Photo: Edgars Kelmers

      Edgars Kelmers answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      I liked the way how Doctor Who travels.
