• Question: My mum used to be an engineer what advice would you give her if she wanted to do that again?

    Asked by tjmagee to Adam, Eloise, Iona, Jarrod, Yip on 14 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Iona Strawson

      Iona Strawson answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I would suggest getting in touch with any professional bodies for guidance – such as the Women in Engineering Society or whichever Institute is relevant depending on which engineering she did. There are quite a few organisations to help women get back into the workplace if she took a career break.

      The best advice is just to go for it!

    • Photo: Man Hang Yip

      Man Hang Yip answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      Just go for it!

    • Photo: Jarrod Hart

      Jarrod Hart answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      I would say that maturity and life experience is worth a heck of a lot, I would take a parent re-entering the profession long before a fresh grad…
      Any employer worth working for would know the same.

      It’s not like life’s a competition either, so it does not matter if she has been out of the ‘race’ – there is no race, that is all rubbish – she should just look for a job that looks interesting and not worry what other people think!
