My inspiration is the ‘thrill of understanding’ – I love it when things can be taken from a confusion and misunderstanding to clarity and simplicity!
Its like solving a riddle that seems obvious afterwards but was not before – or suddenly seeing a complex pattern that can be explained by a combination of simple ideas…
For example, when you first understand that the falling of an apple is caused by the warping of space itself, and that idea can explain the motion of the planets and the tides and lead us to the big bang theory… that is magical.
I think what inspires me is having a puzzle to solve. To have all the pieces needed to find a solution but not yet knowing how to get there. It could be very simple or it be more complex, and to know that solution i reach is just one of a hundred different ways to complete the problem.
My inspiration is usually want to help others to improve the quality of their life. Their life in the office, in the factory, or at home. I want to help. I may not know many things, but where I can, I really want to help.