Like Jarrod, I remembered the day when we are pretty happy of transmitting data using a fax machine.
When transmitting something, you want the passage to be clear of obstruction, just like cycling down the street you want the street to be free of pot holes, rubbish, traffic lights, etc. If we can have good medium for the data (e.g. in the form of photons) to be transmitted without obstruction, then you will have faster transmission.
I think Jarrod and Yip have pretty much covered it.
There may be scope for greater wireless data transmission though. If we can increase networks and improve global contact then we can reduce the need to cables, etc. Although all that information shooting through the air is bound to have it’s own set of problems.
Totally agree with previous answers. Engineers also have to think about the logistics of new types of data transfer. For example, laying new cables in the ground is expensive and disruptive. Also, someone has to be responsible for managing that hardware. If we send stuff wirelessly there are other problems e.g. data is easier to intercept.