• Question: when did you first become an engineer

    Asked by eb to Adam, Eloise, Iona, Jarrod, Yip on 14 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by chiniwawa.
    • Photo: Iona Strawson

      Iona Strawson answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I started work in 2008.

    • Photo: Man Hang Yip

      Man Hang Yip answered on 18 Jun 2016:

      I started working in 1997, never have a title “engineer” but was working as an engineer.
      I did not work for companies that had a chartered engineer accreditation scheme, so it took me a while to get the Chartered Engineer registration filed, which was in 2014.

    • Photo: Jarrod Hart

      Jarrod Hart answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      I got a job title ‘junior engineer’ in January 1998 and I felt richer than I do today (zero kids or mortgage!)
