
Anna Garcia-Teruel
Curriculum Vitae
German School in Barcelona, Technical University of Munich, The University of Edinburgh
B.Sc and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering specialised in Power and Process Engineering, Ph.D. in Energy Systems
Work History:
Call center of ERGO insurance company, Intern at Sinterpres S.L. (Engineering company in Spain), Intern at MAN Turbo & Diesel (Engineering company in Augsburg, Gemany), Graduate assisstant and research assistant at the Technical University of Munich, Visiting researcher at Purdue University in USA, Visiting researcher at Oregon State University in USA
Current Job:
Research Associate in Offshore Renewable Energy
The University of Edinburgh
About Me
I live in Edinburgh and am originally from Barcelona in Spain. I like to travel and spend time outside.
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I live in Edinburgh with my boyfriend. I have been in the UK for 5 years, but am originally from Barcelona in Spain. I have lived in a few countries: Germany, where I studied Engineering, and Sweden and the USA where I did semesters abroad during my studies. Apart from travelling and getting to know new places and people, and most importantly their food, I like spending time outside hiking, cycling, or doing new things.
My Work
I look for new ways to generate electricity from renewable energy sources, such as wind, waves or tides. I look into how to generate more electricity, while reducing the costs of generation.
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In my work I help develop offshore renewable energy technologies, like wave energy, tidal energy and offshore wind energy, so that we can use them to generate electricity at low cost.
In the picture you can see an offshore wind farm which is near Aberdeen in Scotland. Offshore wind turbines are very large, and they can be as tall as the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
When these wind turbines are offshore, they need to be attached to the seabed through a foundation system, it can be fixed with a pile or floating on a platform using mooring lines. I work on my computer, with which I can say how the platform needs to look like so that the turbine can work while staying in place. I also study how much building these turbines cost, how they impact the environment and how they can benefit people living near them – since they can then work for example on fabricating these turbines or maintaining them once they are installed apart from getting electricity from them.
My Typical Day: I would get to the university at 9am, work on my computer developing models to design new offshore renewable energy solutions, have lunch with my friends and colleagues, then back to the office to write a report or put together a presentation to explain what I have found out, and maybe have a pair of meetings or calls with people I am working with.
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In a normal day in my role, I will most likely be in the office with my colleagues developing or applying models to design or evaluate new offshore wind and wave energy solutions. I will then put together reports or presentations to share my progress with partners or colleagues, or write scientific papers to share the research with the wider community working on offshore renewable energy. Since I work with international partners, I might have a conference call or two, or a meeting with my colleagues to discuss our work progress and how to approach the next challenge. During the semester, I might also meet with Masters students that I supervise for their final year projects. Sometimes, I will travel to conferences to share my work with the offshore renewable energy community and learn about the research and progress they have achieved. Sometimes, I also travel to project meetings – since I work in projects with many partners (companies, universities, etc.) from around the world. In those meetings we discuss the progress and future work plans for a project.
For the last year, I have been working from home, since my job is computer based and I do not need to go to a laboratory to do experiments or to the university to teach.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
philomath travel-loving engineer
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Help a wave energy company produce 30% more with their device.
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
I wanted to act against climate change by contributing to the development of renewable energy technologies.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Chemistry, philosophy and history
What did you want to be after you left school?
I was not sure about what I wanted to be exactly, I cared more about what my job would be useful for and I wanted to work in renewable energy technologies.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would either work for some company developing renewable energy technologies, or maybe in some governmental organisation like the European Commission helping develop initiatives or measures to tackle climate change.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Difficult to say, but maybe "Muse"? I also quite like "Yann Tiersen" and "Florence and the machine"
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Travel around Australia and New Zealand for two months.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
health, a sustainable planet and teleportation