
Lia Bucks
Curriculum Vitae
Tormead School and University of Bath
GCSEs, A-Levels and a Masters Degree
Work History:
Sales Assistant at Cotswold Outdoor, Student Ambassador at university, Engineering Intern at Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK
Current Job:
Engineering Consultant
Decision Analysis Services Ltd
About Me
I am a Mechanical Engineer and chocolate lover living and working in Bristol
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I live in Bristol with my fiancé. We are hoping to adopt a cat (or two) soon to join out family. I love all things chocolate and long walks outdoors, traipsing across the UK’s beautiful countryside whatever the weather!
My Work
I help bigger companies solve problems, like how best for them to stop their machines or power stations from breaking
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I work as an Engineering Consultant for a small company. This means that I go in to lots of bigger companies to help them do things which they might be finding difficult. Here are some examples of things I have done over the past 3 years:
- I have helped an electricity company find ways to keep their power stations running smoothly to help keep the lights in our school and homes on.
- I have worked with another company in their quest to create a new type of communications equipment, making sure they are making what is needed.
- I have investigated why a company which makes electricity from food waste was having issues with bubbles and foam, which was so powerful it could damage their equipment if we didn’t manage to stop it!
My Typical Day: I get to my desk at about 8am, answer some emails, and then do some research or planning on how I might solve the problem I am working on. After I eat lunch I might have meetings with the people I am working with to discuss ideas, make plans and make things happen!
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- About 8am – I get to the office (or during Covid-19 I sit at my desk in my lounge) and turn my laptop on.
- 8.30am – I have a morning meeting with my team to talk through what tasks we are each going to do that day.
- 9am to 12pm – I usually answer emails and make phone calls to find out information, then do some research or planning on how I might solve the problem I am working on. I often make notes or I might be writing a report on what needs to be done.
- 12pm – lunch time! I take a packed lunch to work and eat this with my friends, or my fiancé if I am working from home.
- 1pm to 5pm – I might have some meetings with the people I am working with to discuss ideas, make plans and make things happen! Otherwise I keep talking to my colleagues by phone or email to get more information. I help to lead the projects so I also have to make sure they are doing the things they said they would!
- 5pm – home time!
On some days I might visit other places, like power stations, to see the machines or other things I am working on in person. For one year my office was based in a car factory so I spent time every day watching the workers build the cars!
What I'd do with the money
I would buy Meccano or Lego Robotics kits to use with kids in the STEM activity sessions I organise or donate to local schools to use in their STEM clubs
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I have set up a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Team within my company and organise for us to visit local schools to run activity sessions. With the prize money I would buy Meccano or Lego Robotics kits to use with kids in these activity sessions for extra practical fun! I would also like to donate some of these kits to local schools for them to use with all of their students.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Chocolate loving engineer
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Travelled to Turkey to visit a car factory there - it was fascinating!
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My mum and grandfather - they always helped me with my homework
What was your favourite subject at school?
Physics. But I also really liked art.
What did you want to be after you left school?
An engineer (could you have guessed that??)
Were you ever in trouble at school?
No, I was one of the good kids
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would become a physics teacher
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Imagine Dragons. I love the song Radioactive
What's your favourite food?
Chocolate. Though pizza is a close second (and yes, I like pineapple on pizza)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Gone to Alton Towers theme park - I am not a huge fan of rollercoasters, but some of the ones there are amazing!!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To have cats and dogs as pets, to have more time to do the things I love, and to be less scared of heights!
Tell us a joke.
What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer ;)