Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Clare
how much money do you get paid?
by Bilal N and 1 other. to Andrew, Clare, Demi, Josh, Rhys, Vix
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what is your faveroute takeaway?
by Daniel to Clare
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if you were to give advice to a growing engineer what would it be and why?
by Amreen123 and 1 other. to Vix, Rhys, Josh, Demi, Clare, Andrew
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When you look at the photos of the blades what are you looking for?
by Alexa to Clare
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What inspired you to work as an engineer
by Sarah and 1 other. to Andrew, Clare, Demi, Josh, Rhys, Vix
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Are there a lot of hard decision making
by Sarah to Andrew, Clare, Demi, Josh, Rhys, Vix
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Did you always want to become an engineer?
by Ad and 1 other. to Josh, Demi, Clare
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What skills have you learnt whilst being an engineer?
by Amreen123 to Andrew, Clare, Demi, Josh, Rhys, Vix
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What is your favourite topic in science?
by Sarah R. to Vix, Rhys, Josh, Demi, Clare
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Is it true that even though you study the respective fields that you will probably end up in a management position that
by 15220 to Andrew, Clare, Demi, Josh, Rhys, Vix
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