• Question: Why did you decide to work as a thermal product engineer?

    Asked by Maddison to Lauren on 4 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Lauren Ashmore

      Lauren Ashmore answered on 4 Nov 2017:

      My dad has worked in thermal transfer since he left school so I have always been around it and familiar with the products. I used to work at his company over the school holidays so when I left university after studying geography for a couple of months, I managed to get a job there doing Computer Aided Drawings. I instantly clicked with the work and fit in great with the team. I wanted to get a degree so I asked the company to sponsor me and luckily they did.

      I completed my degree in Building Services so I can design air conditioning, ventilation, lighting and drainage systems. However, I found heat transfer the most interesting topic at university so have stayed in this sector of the industry ever since.
