Questions with the keyword 'career'
Because there are not many engineers that are female did that effect you?
by 842msep29 to Pauline
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what does being an engineer mean ?
by 553msep49 to Pauline, Fidel
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What made you want to pick electrical engineering?
by 723msep46 to Fidel
Comments: (So far, one comment )
is going university important to pursuing a career?
by Benedict Cumberbatch to Michelle
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@henry when you were young what was your dream job??
by foro to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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Why did you choose to be a Cloud Engineer rather than a different type of engineer?
by mykolabihun to Chris
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where do you see yourself 15 years from now?
by Stormy to Chris
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How long have you been working as an engineer?
by Lily-May to Chris
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Where did you see your self ten years ago at this point?
by ArianaBell to Pauline, Michelle, Fidel, Chris
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Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to become a engineer?
by ArianaBell to Fidel, Chris
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