• Question: what would you say to budding young engineers?

    Asked by 696msep46 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Chris Neale

      Chris Neale answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      First practice and learn on the internet.
      There are FREE resources to learn everything from languages, to coding, to building and designing or making music.

      Once you’re even half good. Record your own youtube videos teaching others, or write blogs about it.

      That helps with two things. If you know something enough to explain it to others…you know it pretty well!
      It shows teachers/employers that you’re passionate about something and can communicate about it too.

    • Photo: Henry Watts

      Henry Watts answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      I would say “stay curious” and “never give up”. Those are the key skills to get you to the top. Academic results are great and will definitely help get you the job you want but those two things will get you there. The world needs engineers, and lots of them if we’re going to solve the problems the world has ad the more advanced we get as a society, the more problems we generate. Who would have thought we would need to worry about the security features in toy cameras jsut 5 years ago?

    • Photo: Fidel Olaye

      Fidel Olaye answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      I would say get out there and try stuff out. There are loads of engineering-related activities in your community and online that can help you develop a strong passion for engineering. Be it after school clubs, trips to museums, reading at the library or online activities, they’ll all help you to increase your love for engineering and possibly even find out what type of engineer you want to be.

    • Photo: Michelle Hands

      Michelle Hands answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      You can do whatever you want to do. Find out what you are passionate about and chase that dream. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you should be doing. Work hard and play harder 🙂
