• Question: In your opinion, what characteristics are needed in a good engineer?

    Asked by BEANZISBACK to Chris, Holly, Lyd, Mark, Michael on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Mark Dougherty

      Mark Dougherty answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      Hello, I would say you need to be good at solving problems and technically minded, for example I loved playing with lego when I was young – that is basically engineering!

      Also you need to ask a lot of questions because it is the best way to learn!

    • Photo: Michael Sulu

      Michael Sulu answered on 20 Nov 2015:

      Problem solving ability! that is very important as an engineer!
      And task prioritisation!

      You have to be pretty good at managing time and know a fair amount of maths and science too though.

      Most engineers seems to be inquisitive but that may just be in research!
