• Question: Are you living the life you dreamed of since you were a kid?

    Asked by AAnthonyRaj to Sylwia, Steve, Phil, Matt, Hollie, Helen on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Hollie Heard

      Hollie Heard answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      Well…….yes and no. I’m a master of rocket science, (through my degree), and have worked on Eurpoean Space Agency project, but I’m not an astronaut or the captain of the USS Enterprise off exploring the galaxy. Luckily I’ve so far eneded up somewhere in between. The dreams you have will be what inspire you down a career/educational path that might not end up at the destination that you thought, but it will be an amazing journey and you will meet the most incredible people and learn so much along the way. Hopefully I’ve still got plenty of time to make it into space though as that was always my biggest dream.

    • Photo: Steve Williams

      Steve Williams answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      Well in truth no. Let me explain. When I left school there was no such job as a Software Engineer it simply didn’t exist – the technology had not been invented at that time. That’s a point that you could consider because it could well be that what you are doing in 20 or 30 years time doesn’t exist now. What I would say was that when I was at school I was most interested in science and electronics in particular but I had no idea where it would take me.

    • Photo: Sylwia Nikel

      Sylwia Nikel answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      Well, not entirely. It doesn’t mean that it is not nice, it is just different. The dreams we have when we are kids change sometimes but also I’m still young enough and can become a rack star one day and can still open a restaurant. I could even probably still become policewoman haha.
      I am happy at the moment with the view for the rest of my life to be at least good enough.
