• Question: how hard is it to be a engineer

    Asked by yonojobi to Helen, Hollie, Matt, Phil, Steve, Sylwia on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Helen O'Brien

      Helen O'Brien answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      That is a tricky questions to answer, because everybody has a different view of that is hard. Sometimes my job feels hard, because I are trying to solve problems that nobody has ever solved before. But that is also what makes it rewarding. When you enjoy your job, and you work in a good team, it doesn’t feel as hard. But you do have to put the effort it.
      How hard is it to be a student? I bet sometimes it feels hard, but when you do a good job, it does feel rewarding.

    • Photo: Hollie Heard

      Hollie Heard answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      It can be challenging for sure, like many other jobs, but that’s also what makes it interesting. Things that we find hard are often the things that help us to learn and develop the most. It can also be a lot of study and time before you get to the job you want to be doing, the opportunities are there waiting for you though and it will be one of the most rewarding jobs when you get there.

    • Photo: Steve Williams

      Steve Williams answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      When it comes to what you want to do as a job then I will tell you what I told my two sons and that is, “you must follow your own interests”. If you do that then whatever you do becomes that bit easier. I believe that following what interests you is the key to doing stuff that you enjoy and you will do better at it than if you choose a job just because say it pays well. Perhaps the one gift I have it is that I am naturally patience and I just don’t mind spending days and days on a problem until it is cracked. Engineers are just normal everyday people so don’t think for a moment that you aren’t clever enough because you can learn whatever you need to learn, it just takes time and commitment.

    • Photo: Sylwia Nikel

      Sylwia Nikel answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      It is challenging and for me personally, this is one of the things that makes it so exciting. It’s not hard, I believe when you have the passion for it… Or more correctly it is easier if you decide to do it because you have the passion for it.
      I would try to not advise anyone to choose profession only for the good money. I believe that sooner or later it would become, how to say it… not cool.
