• Question: What is the best thing you have made?

    Asked by Eonatola to Helen, Hollie, Matt, Phil, Steve, Sylwia on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Matt Cosby

      Matt Cosby answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      Beagle-2 – it landed on Mars!

    • Photo: Sylwia Nikel

      Sylwia Nikel answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I have designed an FME model that has standardised data analysis output for ecologists. These outputs were then used to write reports and made it easier and more efficient for the ecologists to work. It has also allowed to run the analysis over and over everytime the project has changed its extent.

      FME – Feature Manipulation Engine
      It allows to convert any data format to another and it allows to add transformers (sort of like equations) in between to analyse relations between different data. For example how close are ponds to the project boundary are and if the engineering project will impact the natural environment significantly or not.

    • Photo: Steve Williams

      Steve Williams answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      The link below shows the results of what was for me one of my proudest achievement. It may not look technically difficult but it was very challenging as so much of the technology was new and we had only the one chance to get it right. It was also a first for my company.

      The video starts seconds after the spacecraft has separated form the rocket at about 600km about the surface of the earth. At this point none for the flight control systems are enabled so the spacecraft is tumbling in space. To take this video the Data Recorder unit had to do something it would never normally do and that is take control of several of the spacecraft systems including the power system and control the action of the camera and move the data to safe storage once the video had completed. It took about a week to download this video to the ground while all waited expectantly. We were all thrilled with the results.

      if the link doesn’t work type “TechDemoSat-1 in orbit video” in the search window of youtube.

    • Photo: Hollie Heard

      Hollie Heard answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      Nothing quite as cool as what the others have already answered! As an early career researcher and doctoral student a lot of what I have done has been looking at scientific fundamentals or developing materials that have not yet been transferred into real-world products/components. That’s the next step! If I can on day get something on Mars like Matt I’m sure that might well be top of the list!
