Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Betty
How many hours do you work?
by 549spag42 and 5 others. to Will, Silvia, Kieran, Isaac, Betty
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When you was at school did you ever think you would become an engineer
by 286spag42 and 1 other. to Isaac, Will, Silvia, Kieran, Betty
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How long have you been an engineer
by 433spag42 and 3 others. to Isaac, Betty
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when did you first get into engineering
by 344spag34 and 2 others. to Isaac, Betty, Silvia
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Have you ever worked hard on something amazing and it go wrong at the last minute?
by Fabulous girl and 1 other. to Will, Betty
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What workshops would you run and why
by Amandeep and 1 other. to Betty, Isaac, Kieran, Silvia, Will
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what sort of stuff do you draw?
by d.graystone to Betty
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How do you get a satellite into space and how do you make satellites is it made out of a special metal how do you get
by Pound land ? to Betty, Isaac, Kieran, Silvia, Will
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Who do you think will win I’m an engineer get me out of here
by 632spag42 to Betty, Isaac, Kieran, Silvia, Will
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Is this your favret job or some first job
by 654spag42 to Will, Silvia, Kieran, Isaac, Betty
Comments: (So far, one comment )