That’s a bit difficult to answer because smart is subjective. That means it depends on who I’m being compared with. There are many people I work with who inspire me and I get a lot advice from. I think they’re much smarter than me and I’m grateful to work with them.
People are smart in different things, for example some are better at teaching and some are better at problem solving. We use that to work together as a team.
Smart enough to do my job and appreciate other peoples’ intelligence, but you wouldn’t want me on your pub quiz team! Being smart isn’t an easy thing to measure – people excel in different ways. Being kind, honest and hard working are virtues worth pursuing over simply being clever.
Dominic commented on :
Smart enough to do my job and appreciate other peoples’ intelligence, but you wouldn’t want me on your pub quiz team! Being smart isn’t an easy thing to measure – people excel in different ways. Being kind, honest and hard working are virtues worth pursuing over simply being clever.