0 Question: How did you achieve such high grades / qualifications through all your places of education? Keywords: education, qualification Asked by Ben Britton to Dominic, Maedeh, Matthew, Matt, Monica on 8 Mar 2016.
Matthew Oldfield answered on 8 Mar 2016:
I didn’t get high grades in everything.
I worked hard, enjoyed what I learned and was also lucky too.
Dominic Eggbeer answered on 8 Mar 2016:
I didn’t in many subjects. The trick is playing to strengths, enjoying what you do, working hard and finding your niche.
Monica Rozeik answered on 9 Mar 2016:
Hi Ben, I don’t think my grades were very high but I did work hard through university to make sure I passed. It really helps if you enjoy what you do. If I didn’t enjoy engineering, I’d find it very hard to pass.